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Travel conditions


The agreement between the parties is considered entered into upon confirmed order. The deposit must be paid in the manner agreed and within the set deadline. If the agreed amount has not arrived in Ita Travel's account 2 days after due date, Ita Travel may terminate the agreement unless the customer can document that payment has been made before due date. The balance must be due no earlier than 35 days before departure. If Ita Travel has payment obligations to subcontractors that fall due earlier, the balance may fall due earlier. On some trips, the full amount will have to be paid when booking.


Unless otherwise stated, the customer himself orders a flight ticket from Norway to the agreed city / airport in Italy. If private transport from the airport in Italy to the hotel / residence has been booked, the customer must arrive at the agreed time and place. If the customer does not show up at the agreed time and place, the customer must arrange transport to the place of residence. Payment for scheduled transport is non-refundable. Ita Travel can arrange new transport at the customer's expense. Administration fee of 300, - will be added.  


Fees, fees and / or taxes The Italian authorities may impose on the services covered by the agreement paid by the individual customer. This mainly applies to tourist tax which is paid directly to the hotel by the individual customer.


Ita Travel reserves the right to change prices and services etc. that are described in this program, or announced in another way. Price changes can occur if there are changes in transport costs between the conclusion of the agreement and departure, including fuel prices, taxes, fees or charges related to the use of airports, roads, ports or changes in exchange rates. The traveler has a corresponding right to demand a price reduction if the circumstances Ita Travel reserves the right to adjust to, develop in the traveler's favor.


The size of the deposit
The deposit shall not exceed 50% of the total price per trip / person. Excluded from this limit are trips where Ita Travel can document that the booking entails special financial obligations before the trip starts, e.g. travel related to scheduled flights with associated payment obligations for Ita Travel, hotels with requirements for non-refundable advance payment or special land arrangements (excursions, courses, etc.) which are part of the package, but where Ita Travel is not entitled to a refund if the land event is canceled. In such cases, the deposit can be increased by this documented amount. 

Insurance for loss / damage to luggage etc and for coverage of medical expenses and possible repatriation in the event of an accident / illness is covered by own travel insurance, unless otherwise stated.


Cancellation for a fee
The customer has the right to cancel the trip in exchange for paying an administration fee of NOK 500 until there are 60 days left until the day of departure. 
If the customer cancels after the deadline has expired, these rules shall apply:

* Cancellation between the deadline for cancellation for a fee (as a general rule 60 days before the day of departure) and until there are 35 days left until the day of departure starts: Refund of the amount paid minus the amount of the deposit.

* Cancellation after that is less than 35 days until the day of departure or omitted attendance on departure: No refund. 

If the customer's booking includes several, and the agreed total price is based on discounts or discounts linked to the number of participants, the basis for such discounts or discounts may fall away if any of the travel party cancels. In the event of such a partial cancellation, Ita Travel shall refund the proportionate share of the agreed / paid price to those who cancel, and collect any additional price as a result of forfeiture of discounts related to the group size, from the remaining participants.

If two people share accommodation, there will be a single room supplement for the remaining party if one party cancels their trip. In the event of a sudden and serious illness or accident, the customer has the right to demand release from the agreement if he can document that the conditions for such cancellation have been met. He is obliged to notify Ita Travel of the cancellation as soon as possible after he is aware of the circumstances that give the right to the cancellation after this point. When using a doctor's certificate as documentation of sudden and serious illness, this should be prepared on the form prepared by the industry organization and the Norwegian Medical Association.

Documentation regarding the reason for the cancellation must be submitted no later than 1 month after the cancellation was made. In the event of cancellation pursuant to this provision, the traveler is entitled to a refund of the amount paid less the cancellation protection, and an administration fee of NOK 500 per. person. In the case of several people on the same booking, the refund will be made to the main traveler.

If the booking includes several travelers, and the total price reflects a discount or rejection based on the total number of participants, a cancellation for one or more in a row may mean that the conditions for the agreed price are no longer present. This should not cause the remaining participants a price increase, but is covered by the cancellation protection. Ita Travel has the right to transfer the travelers to another accommodation that better suits the size of the remaining group and which otherwise corresponds to the originally booked accommodation. The right to such a move is conditional on the move not reducing the content of the selected trip, or making the information provided about the trip or agreed additional benefits no longer possible to fulfill.

Ita Traveltar subject to program changes. Significant changes that occur after you have booked your trip will be notified in writing or by post. phone as soon as we are aware of it. This may apply to weather conditions which mean that parts of the program must be canceled or excursions / activities must be moved to other days.


The customer's duties
The customer is obliged to familiarize themselves with these terms or the conditions Ita Travel has published on its website, in its catalog or in another way.
a) Payment: The customer is obliged to pay the agreed consideration within the deadline stipulated in the terms. Significant non-payment gives Ita Travel the right to cancel the booking.
b) Information: The customer is obliged to provide the organizer with the relevant information that he understands or should understand is of significant importance for the completion of the trip. The person booking for fellow travelers is obliged to provide correct and relevant information in relation to this as well. Ita Travel is not responsible for problems that arise as a result of personal or special needs of fellow travelers not being provided properly. Anyone who books a trip on behalf of others is obliged to ensure that the person / persons who are to participate in the trip can follow the regulations set by Ita Travel, and that the trip in question is of such a nature that the person / persons registered can participate. in it without burdens for oneself or others. The individual participant in the trip must not act in such a way that it is a nuisance to the fellow travelers or creates safety or practical problems for Ita Travel.

We reserve the right to make correction errors in this publication. Changes in hotel facilities and descriptions may also occur throughout the season. Forever updated information, see

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© 2022 ITA Travel AS, by Link Utvikling AS

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